
What’s holding you back?

What’s holding you back?

Are you leaping ahead or stuck in the blocks? January is done. 11 months left in 2018 to make an impact. What are you doing to make 2018 THE YEAR that you shift from dabbling to investing in results-driven marketing? So far this year, I have been meeting with many...

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The joy of saying no.

A few month's ago I wrote about ignoring my ideal target client profile and the resulting angst that ensued.  I am happy to share that I learned from that experience and had the pleasure of saying no to a potential new client last week.  Ah, the joy of saying no! The...

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Failing to plan is…

You know the quote:  Failing to plan is planning to fail. Benjamin Franklin. So how is 2015 planning progressing for your business?  And, specifically, how is the marketing plan coming?   Next Monday is December 1st! So here are some recommendations to help you...

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Know when to walk away, know when to run!

I am not one to quote Kenny Rogers frequently, but boy does this line capture it for me.  Not all business is good business.  Not all revenue is worth it.  We all learn the hard way and with hindsight being 20/20, we commonly look back and think - should have walked...

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