
Do you deliver?

Do you deliver?

Are you delivering for your customers? Whatever business you are in, services or product, can you confidently say you are delivering on your promise to your customers? Let's say your business is home delivery of pizza, subs and salads.  Let's determine the elements...

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You never know when a lead will convert…

You never know when a lead will convert…

They say that slow and steady wins the race. I thought the race was long over. Converting this old lead was not even on my radar screen. Until I received an email a little over a week ago with an odd subject line: RE: Hoping the new year is off to a good start.  New...

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6 Take-aways from the Merrimack Valley Tragedy

6 Take-aways from the Merrimack Valley Tragedy

One week ago there was chaos, heartbreak and tragedy. Three communities were rocked by gas leaks and explosions, taking one young man's life. What can we learn from the Merrimack Valley Tragedy as individuals and as business leaders? In the past week, we have seen the...

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So you need a website?

A client referred me to a new non-profit who needed a website. She hoped For Marketing Matters could help them as they were anxious to get a website developed quickly. Hmmm - I haven't even spoken to them, but feeling like we are already behind! Last week, I had a...

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What’s holding you back?

What’s holding you back?

Are you leaping ahead or stuck in the blocks? January is done. 11 months left in 2018 to make an impact. What are you doing to make 2018 THE YEAR that you shift from dabbling to investing in results-driven marketing? So far this year, I have been meeting with many...

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